
Latest News From HHF
21 Aug

Why “Fad Diets” Don’t Work

If you’re a person who has tried one of these diets in the past or is currently doing one, don’t worry; you are not alone. Hundreds of thousands of people try these “miracle” diets every year, but always seem to go right back to where...

21 Aug

Passion: A Key Ingredient To Success

This is going to be my first, I guess you could say “unconventional” article for this website. There will be no talk about muscle contraction, macronutrients, research and proven methods of training philosophies, physiology, and such things like that. I think we covered enough of...

21 Aug

Fat Makes You Fat? The Nonsense Continues

How many times have you heard this? “I’m still fat because I’m eating too much fat.” As professionals, when we hear this, we either roll our eyes to the back of our heads, or mentally scratch our brain while the people continue their rant on...

21 Aug

Why Change To A Healthy Lifestyle

I’m not even quite sure if that is the valid question to ask. The real question should be, “why would you NOT change to a healthy lifestyle?” Here are some statistics that are quite scary to read (as of 2013): Adult Americans age 20 and older, 154.7...

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